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" E la em baixo....uma rede de anjos amparava nossa
queda... (Caio Fernando Abreu )

segunda-feira, fevereiro 07, 2011

Nothing beyond

In this manner, if one contemplates on any teaching, fully and deeply, one will come to realize that the fullness of any teaching is the fullness of LOVE.
So deep insight into karma in this instance is to see the fullness of Love.
And again what is the fullness of life?

The fullness of life is completeness, of that stage when all things are done. There is nothing more to be done. The fullness of completeness is perfect knowledge and loving always. What is the fullness of perfect love and perfect knowledge? It is fullness itself. It is completeness itself. Making love , perfect loveThis is nirvana. This is perfection. This is nirvana and, as the Goddess taught, there is no more striving beyond nirvana. There is no more beyond nirvana, for there is nothing beyond perfection.
there is nothing beyond perfection of love

(enviado Por "Sri Love Always )

Grato meu grande amigo e irmao na Fé , Hare Khrisna , love always!

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